Thursday, March 24, 2005

My Profile

Kangaroo Kick! Posted by Hello


At 12:03 AM, Blogger Neil said...

Favourite Movies:

Nothing in Particular, I just enjoy occasional movies of any sort.

Favourite Music:

I've developed a deeper appreciation of Christian music over the years. It's really fascinating to discover songs written by Worship leaders & musicians that can actually bring me to a highler level of encountering GOD in my life!

Their lyrics & music which have been truly inspired by the events recorded in the Bible, help make the Word of GOD so relevant and alive in this world.

Favourite Books:

I thrived in Literature classics as a teenager, such as "Of Mice & Men", "To Kill a Mocking Bird", "An Inspector Calls", "Merchant of Venice" etc.

Now, the only time I have for reading is during my train ride to work. So I'd go for easy to read books. The last few years it has been books about Christian Spirituality.

At 12:18 AM, Blogger Neil said...

Favourite Sports:

I enjoyed playing soccer as a teenager. Soccer was like a religion to me back then. I followed the various teams I supported and their players' match profiles closely. I also had a brief spell in Rugby.

Upon entering the work force it was difficult for me to engage in any team sport activities due to work commitments.

Exercising in the gym has been the most convenient form of sport activity I've taken up since.


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