Thursday, April 07, 2005

Pope John Paul II "The Great"?

A Pope of 26 Years Posted by Hello

Only few Popes have been called "Great". Let's hear your opinions if the late Pope John Paul II should be called "The Great".


At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pope John Paul II was certainly an exemplary Vicar of Christ and I admire his perseverance and tenacity in serving our Lord till the very last .... indeed he was a faithful servant. However, accolades can sometimes make us lose focus of THE ONE who is the source of all strength and on whose grace we survive. I believe the Holy Father in his humility would accept this tribute with apprehension for our sake.

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is really great to know that we have a new pope. Can feel the excitement as the church has been given a new gift!


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